Which sentence is correct?
Touch your leg.
Clap your hand.
Show me your arm.

Englisch Übungen werden geladen ...




Body parts

Describing feelings

Describing feelings, angry

Describing feelings, happy

Eating healthy foods


Essen gesund für den Körper

Expressing emotions

Expressing Feelings

Expressing feelings

Expressing feelings, crying

Expressing Happiness

Expressing sadness

Gefühle ausdrücken, Lachen

Gesunde Gewohnheiten für den Körper, gesunde Lebensmittel essen

Getting enough sleep

Healthy eating habits

Healthy habits for the body

Healthy habits for the body, getting enough sleep

Identifying body parts

Identifying body parts - ears

Identifying body parts, head

Identifying body parts, mouth

Identifying body parts, nose

Identifying body parts, shoulders

Identifying Body Parts: Shoulders

Körpersprache zur Kommunikation


Körperteile erkennen

Parts of the body

Recognizing body parts

Using body language to communicate

Using body language to communicate, gestures